Dutch Business Woman of the Year 2017 launches book ‘Het lef om gelukkig te zijn’ (translates to ‘The Guts to be Happy’), currently available in Dutch only.
Are you asking yourself: Am I happy? Why am I doing this job? Am I living up to my full potential? Elske Doets is asking you those questions in her new book ‘Het lef om gelukkig te zijn’.
On March 5th 2018 Neelie Kroes presented the first edition to Elske Doets, saying ‘Elske is the ultimate role model. Women should stick together, not sabotage one another, and she helps female talents to find their power.’
Elske Doets (1972) is an high-profile power lady, who is inspiring a new generation of millennials to be entrepreneurs with guts, just like she is. Her down to earth view of doing business, paired with her charm and pizzazz, has motivated many people (not just the young) to change their life’s direction. That is why Neelie Kroes, an outstanding example of female power and intelligence, spoke of her as ‘the ultimate role model’. Doets understands the Digital Age, gets to the essence and sees how the frills of modern existence can distract from what life is really about. Her new book ‘Het lef om gelukkig te zijn’ (Prometheus) came as a revelation: finally a successful business woman who speaks with candor and in great detail about having a career and a family and shows her vulnerability. No pretense or facades, Doets is approachable from every angle.
The proceeding of ‘Het lef om gelukkig te zijn’ benefit the Elske Doets Foundation. This organization funds the Young Lady Business Academy, that motivates young women to go for a top position or become a successful entrepreneur.
You can find the book at your local bookstore and online at bol.com, bruna.nl and managementboek.nl.
Read also the publisher Prometheus profile on Elske Doets (in Dutch)
Author: Elske Doets
Publisher: Prometheus
ISBN: 9789044637410
Price: €19,99